[[:discontinued|Discontinued Series and Sets]] This series has been removed because there are no known anime trading card sets for it. ===== Burning Kabaddi : 灼熱カバディ ===== {{ :list1:kabaddi-ann.jpg?nolink&200|}} ==== Series info ==== * Series name (EN): Burning Kabaddi * Series name (JP): 灼熱カバディ * Series ACO code: Not set * Series ID: Not Set == Summary == //First-year high school student Tatsuya Yoigoshi is a former ace soccer player who dislikes sports. He gets invited to join a team for the contact sport kabaddi. He scoffs at the idea at first but becomes interested after watching a kabaddi practice.// https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=23757 ==== Set list ==== * ==== Not trading cards ==== * * {{tag>"discontinued_series_info"}}