===== The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED : 富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED ===== {{ :list5:fugo-ann.jpg?nolink&200|}} ==== Series info ==== * Series name (EN): The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED * Series name (JP): 富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED * Series ACO code: Not set * Series ID: Not Set == Anime News Network Plot Summary == //The incredibly wealthy Daisuke Kanbe audaciously solves cases in unconventional ways. Kanbe is assigned to the "Modern Crimes Task Unit" — a unit created to keep problematic officers away from others. There, Kanbe becomes partners with Katō.// https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=22980 ==== Set list ==== * [[.:fugo_keiji:minishikishi|(Hifumi) Mini Shikishi]] * [[.:fugo_keiji:acoasters|(Hifumi) Acrylic Coasters]] * [[.:fugo_keiji:mframe|Trading Mini Art Frames]] {{tag>"series info"}}