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Blessing of the Campanella : 祝福のカンパネラ

Series info

  • Series name (EN): Blessing of the Campanella
  • Series name (JP): 祝福のカンパネラ
  • Series ACO code: Not set
  • Series ID: Not Set

The story takes place in a trading city Ert'Aria. Leicester Maycraft is an item engineer belonging to an adventurer guild “Oasis”. One night, he is at a party with his friends to see a meteor stream on the rooftop of a chapel. One meteor grazes them and hits the steeple of the chapel. There he finds a secret room and a sleeping girl. The girl wakes up and says “You must be my father”. The encounter with the mysterious girl brings an unexpected adventure to Leicester.


Set list

list1/blessing_of_the_campanella.1597699476.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/06 14:11 (external edit)