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Wild Adapter : ワイルドアダプター

Series info

  • Series name (EN): Wild Adapter
  • Series name (JP): ワイルドアダプター
  • Series ACO code: Not set
  • Series ID: Not Set

Kubota Makoto led a somewhat easy going life, until a local yakuza boss approached him for initiation, and he happened upon a 'stray' in an alley, Tokitoh Minoru to be exact, whose life seems to be forever connected with a drug, W.A., passing frequently through the Yokohama area, and leaving bodies in it's wake. As they further investigate the drug, more information than perhaps wanted is brought to light…


Set list

  • WILD ADAPTER トレーディングカード
list8/wildadapter.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 21:45 by librarian